Luke 1: 26-38
The final Sunday of Advent calls us to one of the most beloved scenes in the Scripture: that intimate moment between Mary and the angel Gabriel in which the story of God’s love began with a young girl’s “yes” to the divine proposal.
We understand that the extraordinary thing about Mary was precisely her ordinariness, which means that Mary was like all of us. If so, the birth story of Jesus through Mary is not the ancient story any more, and is not the one of themes for children’s pageants either.
What seemed clear in today’s passage was that the angel was not standing over Mary nor forcing her to do it. Rather, Mary also seemed to have a choice—whether to say “yes” to it or “no.”
What I desire to focus on Mary was that she was not a passive recipient of the news; rather, she was a brave partner and agent with God in the coming of the Christ child.
When the angels said, “Nothing is impossible with God,” Mary responded actively to become a willing partner as the mother of God.
Some people might misunderstand this saying, “Nothing is impossible with God,” as a promise to give answers to all of our wishes. If we read or think of the annunciation in such a way, we make a great mistake by misunderstanding what it means, “Nothing is impossible with God.”
Mary’s “yes” to God’s wild plan did not mean that she was not afraid any more or she was free from shame and disdain from her loved ones. The most difficult thing for Mary was that she had to face her beloved child being arrested, tortured, and brutally killed on the cross. Mary witnessed that her child died on the cross as a victim of violence. Yes, this is what “Nothing is impossible with God” means.
Mary was the God-bearer who consented to carry, give birth to, nurse, and raise the son of God. Do you really think that only one person was ever drafted to do that? Can’t we think that we all are called to be mothers of God?
“How can this be since we are virgins who are unable to bear God to the World?” But, remember that “Nothing is impossible with God.”
The passage reminds us that we are God-bearers and are called to be brave agents and creative partners with God in the birth story of Jesus Christ, saying “Lord, Here I am; let it be with me
according to your word.”
So we all become one of Mary’s people, one more, God-bearer, who is willing to bear God into the world. Nothing, nothing is impossible with God.