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Operation Christmas Child

First Christian Church has served as the Operation Christmas Child collection center for Erath County collection center for many years. 

Erath County Habitat for Humanity

We support the local affiliate and we have church members who participate in various aspects of the organization.

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)

We support the organization with monetary donations and have members who give their time and energy to support children who have been taken out of their home and placed into foster care.

Relay for Life

Church members work to raise funds for Relay for Life and many participate in the Relay for Life community events.

Emergency Food Pantry

We are committed to helping families in need by providing food to those who need temporary assistance.  Anyone who needs this assistance is encouraged to come to the church office Tuesday through Friday between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm.  We also have a blessing box located in the church parking lot.

Thanksgiving Food Baskets

During November we collect food items for Thanksgiving meal baskets to be distributed by HOPE, Inc. to families in need.

School Supplies for Children in Need

We participate with other faith communities in Stephenville to gather school supplies during August for children who need assistance during the school year.

First Christian Church


450 W. Tarleton St.

Stephenville, Texas 76401

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